Main » 2016 » December » 13 » Preventing FeLV in American Longhair Cats
4:54 AM
Preventing FeLV in American Longhair Cats

Did you know that the FeLV or the Feline Leukemia Virus is an incurable disease in felines? One of the best forms of prevention is to have your American Longhair cat tested regularly for the virus. You may also want to talk with your vet about possible vaccines, prevention and even identifying symptoms at an early stage. FeLV is the second largest cause of death in cats behind trauma. FeLV is a virus that can cause anemia and lymphoma in cats. It is spread through saliva, blood, and bodily fluids. It is not contagious to other animals. The disease can weaken the immune system causing the cat to become susceptible to other deadly infections. The best prevention for FeLV is to keep your American Longhair cat indoors, vaccinate her, and have her checked for FeLV on a routine basis. Vaccines for cats at high risk of FeLV may be offered by your veterinary clinic Indianapolis, IN. Read more here.

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