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9:40 AM
Preventing Cat Urine Odor

People can smell the odor of cat urine in a home. Candles and sprays only mask the odor and don’t do anything to remove the odor. Preventing your cat from urinating outside the litter boxcan keep your home odor-free. Reduce territorial marking with strong-smelling urine by spaying or neutering your cat. The litter box may stink and keeping it clean helps but it’s your cat’s reaction to a stinky box that is the main problem. If the litter box is too dirty, your cat will find an inappropriate place to urinate such as a cushion, rug or a newspaper. This urine is difficult to clean up and its odor is pervasive. Keep the litter box very clean. Scoop the box daily and do a complete litter replacement about every three weeks or more often as needed. Give your kitty privacy and give her clear access to the litter box. Contact your experienced vet clinic Aurora CO to learn more.

Views: 415 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Aurora CO, vets Aurora CO | Rating: 5.0/1
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