Main » 2017 » August » 12 » Picking Up Your Guinea Pig
7:29 AM
Picking Up Your Guinea Pig

You can injure your guinea pig if you handle him roughly and may even die if you drop him. Thus you need to learn to pick up your guinea pig properly. Ensure that your pig is comfortable with you. Sit by your guinea pig’s cage and speak or sing to him softly. Drape your hand into the cage for exploration. And try hand feeding your pig. When you pick up your guinea pig, act efficiently. Place one hand under his chest behind the front legs. Use the other hand to scoop up the rear end and keep him horizontal. Lift and then pull your pig to your chest for best support. Be prepared to lower your pig to a safe surface if he starts to wriggle away. An older child can be taught to pick up your guinea pig properly but always bring your pig to a seated younger child. For more information, contact your Louisville, CO veterinarian.

Views: 522 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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