Main » 2017 » February » 22 » Picking Up Your Dog
7:51 AM
Picking Up Your Dog

You need to take care in picking up your dog so you don’t injure him or yourself. Make sure your dog is calm and won’t wiggle away from you unless it is an emergency and you just need to pick up your dog quickly. If your dog is small, start by placing one hand under his chest and use the other hand and forearm to support his rear end. To lift a larger dog, lift from the underside but use your entire arm rather than just the hands. Bend your knees to lift your dog so you don’t injure your back. Pull your dog close to your body for better support. Never lift your dog by a limb, the tail or the scruff of the neck. Never pick up your dog by his front legs as you would a small child. Any of these methods could injure your dog. Learn more from your Veterinarian Glendale, AZ.

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