Main » 2016 » May » 3 » Pet Rabbits Need Regular Physical Activity
8:42 AM
Pet Rabbits Need Regular Physical Activity

Pet rabbits grow well in a home environment that allows them to engage in natural behavior. However, a good percentage of pet rabbits are overweight or obese as a result of inadequate physical activity, an unbalanced diet, and a plethora of health problems. Rabbits need to spend time outside of their enclosure to play and move around. These are opportunities to burn excess energy and keep them active. Carrying excess pounds can increase a rabbit’s risk to serious health problems that can affect their health and wellbeing.

Rabbits that live sedentary lives are also at risk of suffering from problems affecting the digestive tract. They also tend to have a weak bladder, which is an important factor in the development of urinary tract disease and formation of bladder stones. Talk to your animal hospital Happy Valley OR about activities that can help your pet rabbit burn excess energy while staying healthy and happy. 

Views: 474 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Happy Valley OR | Rating: 0.0/0
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