Main » 2016 » July » 16 » Pet Rabbits Need Regular Exercise
4:01 AM
Pet Rabbits Need Regular Exercise

Just like dogs, cats, and even humans, engaging in regular physical activity is essential to the health and wellbeing of pet rabbits. Being cooped up all day will make them more prone to problems that may threaten their health and wellbeing. Being sedentary may also increase their risks for obesity. Without regular exercise, pet rabbits may also be more prone to developing digestive disturbances and urinary tract problems. Some may have a tendency to form bladder stones as a consequence of a weak bladder.

Rabbits should have several opportunities each day to spend some time outside of their enclosures and move around. Pet owners can also invest in a spacious enclosure that can be placed outdoors. Just make sure it’s sturdy enough to protect pet rabbits against temperature extremes and potential predators.

Take your pet rabbit to your Thousand Oaks, CA vet clinic for regular wellness checks to help safeguard their health and wellbeing.

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