Main » 2016 » May » 17 » Pet Care – Post-Surgery Care At Home
12:27 PM
Pet Care – Post-Surgery Care At Home

A pet dog or cat that has just been through surgery needs extra care and attention after leaving the hospital. Upon discharge, the vet will likely prescribe medications that will be given to your pet while he recuperates at home. You should check the surgical site and/or cats every day and keep your pet from scratching or chewing at the bandage or sutures. Your pet may have to wear an Elizabethan collar ( E-collar), if necessary. Make sure to keep a close eye on your pet’s behavior, appetite, and water intake. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as swelling on the surgical site, skin rashes, pressure sores, or unusual smell from the surgical site, make sure to contact your veterinary clinic MI.  Other discharge instructions may include keeping your pet on a leash at all times or using a towel to support your dog when he needs to be taken outside for bathroom breaks.

Views: 561 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: animal hospital Lansing MI, vet Lansing MI | Rating: 0.0/0
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