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1:01 PM
Pairing up a Guinea Pig That Has Lost a Friend

Guinea pigs make fun pets because they’re so social! Not only will they like spending time with you and your family, they enjoy spending time with their cage mates. This can cause problems if there’s a loss in your guinea pig family. Here’s how to successfully pair up the pig that’s been left behind.

First, consider having your guinea pig fixed. Although it’s not absolutely essential, spayed and neutered guinea pigs tend to be a bit friendlier than animals that aren’t fixed.

Allow your guinea pig to spend time with a few different animals before you decide on the one you want to take home. Some pet stores will allow you to bring in your pet for a little playtime. The animal shelter is a good place to check too.

For help bonding your guinea pigs, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian Livonia, MI.

Views: 410 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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