Main » 2016 » October » 18 » Outside Akitas and Veterinarians
9:45 PM
Outside Akitas and Veterinarians

Did you know that all dogs (including the Akita) should see a vet annually for an exam? Whether they live inside or outside, all dogs should have a routine wellness exam with their vet. Akitas that live outdoors may require less upkeep than an indoor dog, but they don’t require any less veterinarian treatment. No matter where your dog lives or what he does, he should always be up to date on routine vet visits and vaccinations. It’s important for your dog to be protected against diseases such as rabies and lyme disease. Your dog should also be routinely guarded against flea and ticks with the use of a preventative program. In addition, building up a medical history for your dog with the vet can be of great help should your dog become ill and need immediate treatment. If your veterinarian Savannah, GA already knows your dog then he can move on to prescribing an alternative more quickly. Read more for additional information.

Views: 451 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Savannah GA | Rating: 5.0/1
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