Main » 2016 » May » 25 » Options For Hand-Rearing Puppies
6:37 PM
Options For Hand-Rearing Puppies

Caring for newborn puppies can be a very challenging task especially if it’s your first time to do so. Puppies are very helpless especially during the first few weeks of life, and will need to rely heavily on human help in order to survive. They need to suckle milk every 2-4 hours, day and night, during their first week of life. This can be quite taxing to the person who has assumed the responsibility of hand-rearing orphaned puppies. In addition to having a family member or two who are   willing to assist with hand-rearing duties, here are other viable options that you can think of.

Animal Hospitals

Some twenty four-hour animal hospitals and veterinary clinics offer puppy hand-rearing services. Since this can be quite expensive, you should consider your budget first before availing of this option.

Local Breeders

You may also a friend or a local dog breeder who has a mother dog that is nursing puppies which are of the same age as the orphaned litter. Introducing the new puppies to the dam can be tricky, and sometimes unsuccessful. But there are mother dogs that can be convinced to assume the responsibility of taking care of another dog’s puppies.

You can also call your Watertown, WI veterinary clinic for help and recommendations regarding the care and well being of puppies.



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