Main » 2016 » October » 5 » Naming Your Guinea Pig
2:18 PM
Naming Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs don’t actually respond to their names but the exercise of naming your pig is the first step in making him a part of your family. Choose carefully since this name will be said a lot and imparts a certain personality to your pig that your family members can identify with. Some families choose names that describe a physical characteristic of their pig such as Curly or Blondie. Other people name their guinea pigs after popular TV, book or movie characters. Sports figures and rock bands lend their names to a lot of pets. And some guinea pigs are named after their owner’s favorite childhood pets or another guinea pig they had. Whatever name you choose, make it fun and easy to say and be consistent in using the name you choose. Involve the whole family for best results. Contact your Orangevale, CA vet to learn more.

Views: 468 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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