Main » 2017 » December » 5 » My Manx Cat is Constantly Scratching Furniture
8:12 PM
My Manx Cat is Constantly Scratching Furniture

We love our cats, but when it comes to choosing between them and keeping our furniture looking nice things can get complicated. If you own a cat like the Manx or other breed that has the bad habit of scratching up your furniture, talk with your vet or pet store associate to learn ways to stop the behavior before it becomes a bad habit. One method is placing scat mats on your sofa and loveseats. The mats send small electric pulses through the mats when your cat touches them. For tables and chairs, try spraying a no-chew spray to irritate your Manx when she’s nearby. In addition, change up your cat’s routine. Some cats scratch at furniture out of boredom or for attention. Try taking your Manx out for a walk, giving her a new toy to play with and spending more time with her before and after going out. For additional suggestions, talk with your veterinarian Rochester, NY. Click here to know more.

Views: 369 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Rochester NY, vets Rochester NY | Rating: 5.0/1
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