Main » 2017 » February » 7 » My American Longhair is Constantly Licking and Grooming
1:18 PM
My American Longhair is Constantly Licking and Grooming

Cats are natural, do it yourself groomers by nature. American Longhairs, for instance, probably spend much of their day grooming and keeping their coat clean. It’s a natural instinct for cats to groom. In fact, most will groom multiple times a day. They do this to remove food scents and other smells from themselves so that they can’t be easily detected by predators. Inside and outside cats also groom and lick to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. If your American Longhair is grooming in a similar manner then it’s all part of his feline makeup. However, if your cat is excessively grooming and you don’t know of time you haven’t seen him licking himself then you might want to call your vet. Excessive grooming can be a sign of stress, anxiety, or illness. It’s always best to have your veterinary clinic Lansing, MI exam your cat.

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