Main » 2016 » August » 20 » My American Bobtail is Eating Grass!
6:59 AM
My American Bobtail is Eating Grass!

Has your American Bobtail been eating grass lately? There’s no cause for alarm, simply talk to your vet about your cat’s behavior. Some experts believe that eating blades of grass is beneficial for cats like the American Bobtail. In fact, some believe that cats eat grass to make themselves throw up in an effort to clean their own digestive tract and eliminate indigestible matter like fur, feathers, bones, etc. Cats tend to feel much better after eating grass and throwing up. Your bobtail may eat grass if he is constipated or having trouble going to the bathroom. Grass often acts as a natural laxative and is also a great source of folic acid and vitamin C. As long as your bobtail isn’t eating grass constantly or relying on it as his main source of food, he should be OK. If that changes, give your vet Triangle, NC a call right away. Click here to know more.

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