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6:41 PM
Microchipping basics

If you share your home with a furry companion, there is a good chance that you’ve heard about microchipping. However, you might not understand how it can help your pet. What are the benefits to microchipping your little fur ball?

Your pet needs your help to keep her safe in the comfort of your home, but even if you are vigilant there is still a chance that your pet could get out and find herself lost somewhere. A collar can be lost or removed, but a microchip can’t. It sits just under the skin on her back, and can be scanned to reveal your contact information. In many cases, a microchip has been what reunites a pet with her family, as it offers another layer of protection that otherwise wouldn’t be there. For additional information, please contact your local Indianapolis, IN vet clinic. Click here to know more.

Views: 386 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Indianapolis IN | Rating: 5.0/1
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