Main » 2014 » May » 7 » Meaning of Rabbit Behaviours
8:52 PM
Meaning of Rabbit Behaviours

If you ever notice your rabbit digging using its legs or feet, it can mean one of two things. The first is that the rabbit is simply engaging in its normal instinctive behaviour. The second is that it is trying hard to get your attention. This is likely the case if it is doing it rather forcefully. In this case, spend some time with your rabbit if you are able.

With regard to nipping, the rabbit is also clamouring for your attention but as you discourage the behaviour it should become less intense and the behaviour should stop for good eventually. If your rabbit nips you aggressively without provocation, you have likely invaded its territory in some way. Rabbits that have been neutered or spayed are less aggressive.

Another typical behaviour that will observe in your rabbit is thumping of its hind legs. This means that the rabbit senses danger and it is warning the other rabbits in its colony.

Visit a vet West Greenwich. See here.

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