Main » 2018 » April » 1 » Managing Your Cat’s Urinary Tract Health
9:56 AM
Managing Your Cat’s Urinary Tract Health

As your cat ages, she may experience urinary tract issues. Cats in the wild get significant fluids while eating prey animals. However, your cat depends on you to monitor her fluid intake. Good urinary tract health depends on your cat getting plenty of fluid in her diet and having access to fresh, clean water at all times. Canned cat meat gives your cat much more fluid than dry kibble. Be vigilant and look for signs of urinary tract issues. Symptoms of urinary tract issues include straining in the litter box, too little or too much urine, evidence of blood, or urinating outside the litter box. If your cat experiences any of these symptoms, seek medical help since urinary tract issues can get very serious very quickly. Take your cat in for regular well cat appointments, including urinalysis as needed. Learn more from your trustworthy vet clinic Temecula CA.

Views: 413 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Temecula CA | Rating: 5.0/1
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