Main » 2018 » April » 30 » Managing Your Cat's Inappropriate Scratching
3:58 PM
Managing Your Cat's Inappropriate Scratching

Your cat scratches to remove old layers of her nails to reveal fresh sharp ones. She also scratches to mark her territory using scent from glands in her feet. This leaves a visual marker too. Thus you may never eliminate your cat’s scratching but you can keep her from destroying your personal belongings such as your sofa, carpeting and drapes. Trim your cat’s nails often to dull the weapons she uses on your things. Place scratching posts near your targeted belongings and gently redirect her to them if she starts to scratch inappropriate things. Reward her if she goes to the scratching posts on her own. Cover your targeted belongings with aluminum foil strips or double-sided tape when not in use. These materials feel weird to your cat’s feet and will discourage her from scratching. Never yell at your cat or punish her while she is learning. Contact your veterinarian Washington DC to learn more.

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