Main » 2016 » August » 8 » Maggot Infestation In Dogs
3:13 AM
Maggot Infestation In Dogs

Have you noticed maggots or fly larvae feeding on skin tissues that are necrotic or dying? Maggot infestation is technically referred to as “myiasis”. Dogs that are prone to the problem are those that spend time outdoors and are in conditions in which their skin continues to be moist, such as bacterial skin infections, draining wounds, or even hair coats that are soaked in urine or feces. Continued skin moisture eventually leads to damage, infection, and inflammation, creating a favorable environment for maggots. Dogs that are weak and debilitated are especially vulnerable.

The most common species of maggots found on pet dogs and cats are larvae of blowflies. These flies lay eggs on tissues that are decaying, infected, or inflamed. While some maggots only invade tissues that are dead or dying, there are those that feed not only on decaying tissue but also healthy tissue as well.

Heavy infestation may require the attention of your Crown Point, IN vet. Click here to learn more.

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