Main » 2016 » July » 6 » Lorikeets and the Importance of Exercise
1:08 AM
Lorikeets and the Importance of Exercise

If you own a Lorikeet or another similar bird that is part of the parrot family then you may want to talk with your vet or local bird expert about exercise. Lorikeets, like other parrots, thrive when they have the opportunity to move around and burn off extra energy daily. Exercise also allows the Lorikeet to stretch his muscles both physically and mentally. Your vet can tell you that physical and mental stimulation are important for your Lorikeet’s overall health. If you’re just starting your Lorikeet out in an exercise routine, make sure you start slow and take your time working up to long workouts. Some examples of ways to exercise your Lorikeet include encouraging him to flap his wings, letting him out of his cage to roam around, encouraging him to go up and down steps, playing with toys, and even dancing. Talk with your vet North Phoenix, AZ for more information.

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