Main » 2017 » August » 5 » Keeping Your Guinea Pig Healthy
10:33 PM
Keeping Your Guinea Pig Healthy

Generally speaking, guinea pigs are sturdy animals who stay pretty healthy with a minimal of fuss. But if your guinea pig gets ill, it can turn very serious quickly and lead to death. Watch for a runny nose or eyes, diarrhea, coughing or sneezing, weight loss or hair loss. These are classic signs of illness. Check your pig frequently for unusual lumps, cuts and abrasions that may need medical care. Look for sores and inflammation on your guinea pig’s feet. Long nails can catch and tear or cause difficulty walking so trim the nails as needed. Walking around in damp shavings and filth can introduce bacteria into your pig’s bloodstream so keep the cage clean. Your guinea pig can get parasites from other pets and develop a number of health issues. Ensure that your pig’s teeth wear evenly and straight. Watch for any abnormalities or sores in your pig’s mouth. For more information, contact your Happy Valley, OR veterinarian.

Views: 426 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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