Main » 2018 » April » 7 » Keeping your dog safe in your backyard
8:17 PM
Keeping your dog safe in your backyard

Your dog loves your home, but he also needs to spend some time outside each and every day. How can you help him stay safe in the backyard?

Your backyard is an outdoor area that you have a lot of control over, so you should be able to remove most, if not all, hazards from this space. Make sure toxic items, like weed deterrents, and sharp objects, like gardening supplies, are put safely out of reach. You should also make sure you have a way to keep your pet in your yard and that he has a way to get out of the elements, like a dog house or covered porch area. Your pet will need things to occupy his time so he doesn’t get into trouble, so make sure to be available to play with him often and leave some toys for him to play with as well. For additional information, please contact your vet clinic Lafayette LA.

Views: 383 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Lafayette LA | Rating: 5.0/1
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