Main » 2016 » October » 13 » Keeping your dog calm during thunderstorms
8:38 AM
Keeping your dog calm during thunderstorms

Your dog doesn’t exactly care for thunderstorms, and can become quite upset when he knows the weather isn’t ideal. How can you help him stay upbeat during these times?

Your pet will need to see that you are feeling okay with everything that is happening during a storm. He trusts you, and knowing that you feel safe is important to him. It can even help him stay calm as he knows you would be acting differently if danger were present. Offer him reassurance, and try to take his mind off any thunder and lightning that he may notice. You can also make a point to offer him something to help make him feel more secure, like a familiar comfort item or a vest designed to help dogs feel cozy during stressful situations. Your local Montgomery, TX vet can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.

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