Main » 2016 » December » 27 » Is your pocket pet getting out of her enclosure enough?
7:10 AM
Is your pocket pet getting out of her enclosure enough?

Your pocket pet means the world to you, and you want to give her everything she needs to lead a long and happy life. This makes you question aspects of her care in order to determine if she is getting exactly what she needs, like time out of her enclosure. How much time should she spend outside of her cage?

Your pet needs to get out of her enclosure daily in order to become both mentally and physically stimulated. It offers her a change of scenery and allows her to move around more freely. This means that your pet requires this time, and should be able to spend her time supervised in a safe place until she is ready to head back into her enclosure. Take note of her behavior, and return her to her cage when she seems to be tiring out. For more information, please contact your local Cameron Park, CA vet.

Views: 466 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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