Main » 2017 » June » 14 » Is Your Dog Suffering From Depression?
4:44 PM
Is Your Dog Suffering From Depression?

Yes, dogs can also get the blues, just like humans do. There is a long list of potential causes of depression in dogs including sudden changes in their immediate environment, illness, phobia, or grief. The owner’s disposition can also have an important influence on the dog’s disposition.

If you think your dog is depressed, your first stop should be your Bolingbrook, IL vet clinic. Potential health problems should be ruled out before other interventions can be given. If your vet doesn’t find something physically wrong with your pet, then it’s time to introduce more “life and color” to your pet’s life. Outdoor excursions, visits to the dog park, doggie play dates, and other activities keep your dog on his toes while burning pent-up energy. These activities are also excellent opportunities for you to bond with your canine buddy and feed your pet’s social needs, while boosting his self-confidence and sense of security. Avoid “babying” your dog or over-coddling him for this can reinforce his behavior.

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