Main » 2018 » April » 3 » Is your dog a bit smelly?
7:25 AM
Is your dog a bit smelly?

Your dog is a big part of your life and you spend a lot of time with him. This is why it’s so easy for you to notice when he begins to smell a bit. How can you help him get back to normal?

To get rid of the stench you will first need to determine where it’s coming from. It’s likely that your pet is simply in need of a bath. He may have gotten dirty over time and needs to get cleaned up, or he may have rolled in something outside. If this doesn’t do the trick, your pet may need to have his teeth brushed as the smell could be from his breath. Something he is eating could be causing the smell as well, so be mindful of any dietary changes. For more information, please contact your local Carolina Forest, SC veterinarian.

Views: 382 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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