Main » 2018 » April » 21 » Is your cat having trouble with hairballs?
6:32 PM
Is your cat having trouble with hairballs?

Your cat is a big part of your family and you want to help her with any difficulties that come her way. Lately she has been having trouble with hairballs. How can you help her with these?

Your pet needs you to take the time to brush her often. This will remove shed fur onto the brush and help prevent future hairballs. Because they form when your pet grooms herself and ingests the fur that she collects in the process, brushing her can really be helpful in keeping her looking great as well. You can also talk to her veterinarian about helping her with hairballs that are already forming in her system. There are things that can be done to help, like feeding her specific foods to help break them down. For more information, please contact your local Des Moines, IA veterinarian.

Views: 384 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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