Main » 2017 » November » 9 » Is your cat engaged in play time ?
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Is your cat engaged in play time ?

Your cat loves when play time rolls around, but you’ve noticed that she used to be a lot more engaged in it than she is now. How can you help make this time as exciting as it used to be?

Your pet may have gotten used to the activities you usually take part in, and may need something new to occupy her time. She may also have grown out of these activities so she has lost interest in them. Consider what your pet takes an interest in, and make a point to bring these elements into playtime. Bring out a new toy or two, or find new ways to use the toys she already has. Think about playing in different areas of your home, and find new times of the day to seek out your pet’s attention. Your local Crown Point, IN veterinarian can help you care for your pet. Visit website for additional information.

Views: 451 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian crown point in, vet clinic crown point in | Rating: 5.0/1
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