Main » 2017 » February » 13 » Is there a Test for Heartworms in Siberian Cats?
8:07 AM
Is there a Test for Heartworms in Siberian Cats?

There is a heartworm test for your Siberian cat which should be conducted at your cat’s annual wellness exam. If you’re not sure if your cat has been tested, please ask your vet to run the test at your next visit. Your vet may also have a record of a previous run test. Heartworm disease is a dangerous illness especially for cats. Unlike dogs, there are no specific medications designed to treat heartworms in cats. Also, cats tend to only have one or two heartworms present, which enables the disease to go undiagnosed for longer periods of time. Having your Siberian cat tested routinely for heartworms is the best way to keep her healthy. Your Siberian should also be on a monthly heartworm prevention program. To learn more ways to protect and prevent heartworms in your cat, talk with your our best veterinarians Mt. Pleasant, SC.

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