Main » 2017 » August » 24 » Is it OK for your Dog to Dig in the Dirt?
7:28 AM
Is it OK for your Dog to Dig in the Dirt?

It is perfectly natural for your dog to dig in the dirt. Dogs are made to follow their nose and that often includes to all kinds of hidden treasures underground. Dogs love to dig and find things that people have left behind, other dogs have left behind, or even bones that they have buried themselves. However, if your dog becomes an obsessive compulsive digger and starts digging up everything in sight, including carpet and things that shouldn’t be dug up, you should give your vet a call. Your pup could be sick or he may be experiencing some type of mental anxiety, boredom, etc. If your dog is just annoyingly digging up your flower garden then try spreading lemon or orange peels. The citrus scent should deter your dog from spending time in the garden. Consult with your veterinarian Frisco, TX for more details, tips, suggestions and information. Or visit this link:

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