Main » 2016 » July » 16 » Is a pocket pet right for your family?
7:26 AM
Is a pocket pet right for your family?

Your family wants to add a furry member to the family, but they know that the traditional dog or cat aren’t exactly the right fit. Could a pocket pet be ideal for your household?

Pocket pets are often quite small, and stay within the confines of an enclosure unless you bring them out to interact. This makes them ideal for households that are limited on space, as well as for those that don’t like the idea of a pet roaming free throughout their home while they are away. They are also pretty quiet, making them pretty great roommates in close quarters with others. Pocket pets require daily care, but is isn’t as demanding as many other pet options. Be sure to thoroughly research any pets you plan on bringing into your home, and make sure you are able to handle caring for them properly. For more information, please contact your local Round Rock, TX veterinarian or set an appointment at this website Drake Pet Hospital.

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