Main » 2017 » August » 5 » Introducing a new pet to your family
8:30 AM
Introducing a new pet to your family

You will soon be going to pick up your new pet, and you couldn’t be more excited for her homecoming. The rest of your family is excited as well. How can you introduce your new addition to everyone?

While it may be tempting to rush in with your new little fur ball and have everyone crowd around her, this can be pretty overwhelming to your pet. She doesn’t know any of these people yet, and she doesn’t understand that she is heading into her new home. She needs time to think about what is going on around her and to process things in her own time. Introduce her to your family one at a time, and make sure to space interactions out a bit so your pet can meet her new household in a low-stress environment. Your local most recommended Colorado Springs CO veterinarian can offer additional advice.

Views: 483 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Colorado Springs CO, vets Colorado Springs CO | Rating: 5.0/1
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