Main » 2016 » May » 13 » Insulin Resistance in Scottish Folds
10:05 AM
Insulin Resistance in Scottish Folds

If your Scottish Fold has diabetes then you are probably familiar with quite a few terms related to the disease. Phrases like “insulin resistant” can have a few different meanings. For instance, if your Scottish Fold is categorized as insulin resistant it could mean that her fat, liver and muscle cells are not responding to the insulin as they should. However, to say your cat is insulin resistant could also mean that your cat simply requires a larger dose of insulin. In other words, she may not be responding to the insulin not because her body is rejecting it, but because it is not enough. For this reason, many cats that are said to be insulin resistant in reality just need an adjustment to their dosage. If your Scottish Fold needs an adjustment then your vet may run additional tests to determine why. For more details, talk with your vets Jacksonville FL.

Views: 493 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Jacksonville FL, veterinary clinic Jacksonville FL | Rating: 0.0/0
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