Main » 2017 » February » 1 » Inappropriate Scratching and Your Cat
9:42 AM
Inappropriate Scratching and Your Cat

Your cat will scratch to remove worn, outer nails to expose new, sharp ones. And she will scratch to mark her territory since scratching releases scent from glands in her feet. This scratching leaves a visual mark too. Thus you may never completely train your cat to stop scratching but you may encourage her to scratch in more appropriate places than your sofa, carpeting or drapes. Offer your cat scratching posts and mats and place them where your cat’s favorite scratching places are. Cover inappropriate scratching areas with aluminum foil strips or double-sided tape. These materials feel strange to your cat’s feet and will discourage her from scratching there. Redirect her to the scratching posts or mats if she scratches elsewhere. Reward and praise your cat if you catch her scratching appropriately. Use patience and kindness as your cat learns. Learn more from your San Jose, CA veterinary clinic.

Views: 595 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Cat care | Rating: 0.0/0
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