Main » 2017 » February » 16 » Important Effects Of Fleas And Ticks On Cats
4:38 AM
Important Effects Of Fleas And Ticks On Cats

A heavy flea population can be bothersome for cats in general, but more so for cats that are allergic to flea saliva because they can suffer from extreme itching. Wounds caused by persistent scratching can eventually develop into crusty sores, often with loss of hair all over the cat’s body.

Also, a heavy flea population can lead to anemia because these pesky parasites feed on their host’s blood. The problem is particularly serious among very young kittens and can be fatal if veterinary attention is not given promptly.

Another important issue concerning fleas is the being important carriers of tapeworms. Although tapeworms don’t really cause serious illness in cats, they do compete with any available nutrients that are in the digestive system of their hosts.

Fleas are ubiquitous parasites. Once your pet is infected, expect that your house and the immediate surroundings will also be possibly infected.

Your Orangevale, CA veterinarian can help you understand better important issues that can threaten your pet’s health and wellbeing.

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