Main » 2016 » October » 27 » Hyperkeratosis - Tough Nose And Paw Pads In Dogs
2:12 PM
Hyperkeratosis - Tough Nose And Paw Pads In Dogs

The noses and paw pads of dogs are generally smooth and soft. They are covered with specialized skin that is unique to the rest of the body. Dogs that suffer from a condition called “hyperkeratosis” develop thick and cracked skin in these spots. Dogs with serious cases of hyperkeratosis often have mobility problems and suffer from the discomfort.

The condition can be hereditary in certain canine breeds such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters, to name a few. Symptoms are usually evident when affected dogs are about 6 months old.

There are also cases of hyperkeratosis where the specific cause cannot be pinpointed. Most of these cases have been diagnosed in dogs over 10 years old.

Hyperkeratosis may also be a symptom of nutritional imbalance, immune-mediated conditions, and infectious diseases such as canine distemper.

Regular wellness visits to your Marietta, GA animal hospital are excellent opportunities to help spot early symptoms of the problem, which eventually means early treatment and a better prognosis

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