Main » 2017 » February » 15 » How to Treat Your Cat for Fleas
2:06 PM
How to Treat Your Cat for Fleas

The dreaded fleas. There’s really nothing worse than fleas if you’re a pet owner. Here are some tips on how to treat your cat if he ends up with these nasty parasites.

Consider giving your cat a flea bath first. Not only will it help reduce the number of fleas and eggs on your cat’s body, it can also wash away all of that flea dirt.

Then, choose the right medication. A topical medication is the best choice. They are much more effective than flea collars or powders. Look for a medication with fipronil. Apply it according to the directions on the box.

If you’re having a flea problem in your home, you may want to consider a flea bomb. It’s the best way to make sure every flea meets its demise.

If you need help getting rid of your cat’s fleas, schedule a talk your animal hospital Rochester, NY.

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