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9:47 PM
How to Treat Mouth Rot in Green Iguanas

If you own a Green Iguana then you may want to talk with your veterinarian to learn about mouth rot and how you can prevent it from occurring in your iguana. First thing to know is that mouth cot is a bacterial infection that occurs as a result of a compromised immune system. When the Green Iguana’s immune system is unable to control bacteria in the mouth then infection often develops causing mouth rot. Symptoms include inflammation of the mouth and lip area as well as mucous deposits in the mouth. Treatment typically begins with identifying and treating the underlying cause. For instance, if the cause is poor nutrition then your vet may suggest a change in diet. Next, inflammation will be treated, abscesses will be drained, and the mouth will be flushed with an antiseptic. Talk with your animal hospital Thousand Oaks CA for more details.

Views: 630 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: animal hospital Thousand Oaks CA | Rating: 5.0/1
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