Main » 2018 » April » 3 » How to Treat Gingivitis in the Burmilla
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How to Treat Gingivitis in the Burmilla

Treating gingivitis is easier than it sounds. In fact, gingivitis is a common illness in many types of cats including the Burmilla cat. Around 80 percent of pets three years and older will most likely develop gingivitis or another form of gum disease. Treatment for gingivitis will depend on the severity of the symptoms. For instance, if there is a lot of irritation and inflammation, then your vet may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling before going back in to remove decay and scrape the teeth of plaque and tartar. Once an initial cleaning is done, your vet may also recommend additional cleanings every six months to a year. At home, you can help prevent additional breakouts of gingivitis by feeding your cat hard cat food which naturally breaks down tartar and plaque. Routine teeth brushing may also be suggested by your vet care Raleigh, NC.

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