Main » 2017 » December » 23 » How to Diagnose Epilepsy in Ragdolls
10:11 AM
How to Diagnose Epilepsy in Ragdolls

If your Ragdoll is having uncontrollable convulsions or fits, contact your vet right away and schedule an exam. Your cat may be having seizures relating to an underlying illness or as the result of epilepsy. In order to make a diagnosis your vet will need to examine your cat and run tests. A physical exam, neurological exam along with laboratory tests and x-rays will be needed. You  may also need to give your vet a detailed history of your cat’s health. Once the results are back your vet will have a better idea of whether your cat is suffering from seizures related to epilepsy or not. Your vet will look primarily for primary causes or underlying triggers to determine how to treat the seizures. For some, the causes of the seizures are undetermined although some believe that they are the result of miscommunication of neurons in the brain. Talk with your veterinary clinic Frisco, TX to learn more. Visit this site for details:

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