Main » 2014 » May » 13 » How do Turtles See?
11:14 PM
How do Turtles See?

When it comes to turtles and their sight, turtles are obviously much more adapted to sight in the water than they are on the land.

This does not mean that they are blind, however, as turtles are able to see, and quite well, on land.

A turtle uses a special eyelid built into its head, a “third eyelid”, if you will, that filters impurities in seawater to help them better see, which an incredible blessing in and of itself is. When a human opens their eyes underwater in salty water, it stings our eyes something terrible and forces us to shut them again. We lack this third eyelid as a filter.

If you would like to find out more information regarding turtles and their other unique abilities that make them so worthy of study, you can follow this link to the website of the veterinary clinic Glen Bernie.

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