Main » 2017 » February » 9 » High-Rise Syndrome and Your Cat
8:53 AM
High-Rise Syndrome and Your Cat

High-rise syndrome refers to the large occurrence of cats who fall from distances higher than 20 to 30 feet or more than two stories. Your cat has a righting reflex to help her turn around in mid-air during a fall so she can land on her feet. However, falling from this height can cause serious injury and death. Your cat could suffer broken bones or ligament damage in her legs and feet as they act as shock absorbers. She could also bang her chin or head on the ground to disastrous results. If her belly hits the ground, your cat may suffer from internal injuries. Some cats have lived from falls of much greater heights so it is urgent that you get to your cat quickly and seek medical attention immediately after a fall. The best course of action is to prevent falls. Learn more from your London, ON veterinary clinic.


Views: 448 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: cat care tips | Rating: 0.0/0
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