Main » 2017 » February » 13 » Helping Your Scottish Fold Overcome Fear
11:24 AM
Helping Your Scottish Fold Overcome Fear

Cats often present themselves as fearless felines that can take on anything or anyone, but they still have fears. If your Scottish Fold cat is excessively pacing, meowing, or even insisting on being right at your feet, then you may need to talk to your vet regarding ways to help address your Scottish Fold’s fear and anxiousness. For instance, if your Scottish Fold is afraid of extremely loud noises such as the neighbor’s weekly lawn mowing service, try distracting her from the noise by focusing on something else. You may want to take her to another room away from the noise, play with her, or even groom her in order to distract her. This may help her to become accustomed to these new activities. If not, then you may have to find ways to simply avoid those particular situations. For more tips and suggestions, talk with your vet Mt. Pleasant, SC. Visit this link for details:

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