Main » 2017 » November » 7 » Helping your pet be content while you’re out and about
2:49 PM
Helping your pet be content while you’re out and about

Your pet shares your home with you, and he likely occupies this space much of the time that you are away from home. How can you make sure he is content in your absence?

Your pet needs ways to occupy his time. These should be readily available to him, as he will be looking for things to do and you want him to gravitate toward appropriate activities. Leave a toy or two where he will find them, and maybe even leave a treat for him to munch on. Be sure to offer him places to relax in areas that he frequents so he can take advantage of the peace and quiet. Think about things he would like to do, like watch the animals in your yard go about their day, and make sure he has a place to take part in these activities. Call your local esteemed vets Colorado Springs CO for more information and advice.

Views: 393 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet Colorado Springs CO | Rating: 5.0/1
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