Main » 2017 » February » 21 » Helping your kitten become more independent
1:43 PM
Helping your kitten become more independent

Your kitten is a new part of your household, and you adore her already. You not only enjoy spending time with her, but also helping her learn her way throughout the world. Since your home is where she spends the vast majority of her time, you want this space to be as comfortable as it can be for her. You also want to be able to give her a confidence boost so she will feel a bit more courage in becoming independent.

To do this, you will need to take the time to show her where all her belongings are, and make sure she visits them as regularly as she needs to. Also take the time to kitten-proof your living space, so all the areas she has access to are safe for her to spend time in. Your local Marietta, GA veterinarian can help you care for your pet. Learn more here.

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