Main » 2016 » May » 13 » Helping Your Hamster Live a Long Life
5:37 AM
Helping Your Hamster Live a Long Life

Hamsters usually live between two and three years but there are a number of factors that can help your hamster live a long life. Hamsters can catch colds from people so it is important to avoid coughing or sneezing near your hamster and to watch your hands frequently. You can reduce your hamster’s susceptibility to disease by keeping his immune system strong. A dirty cage ensures that your hamster will have wet feet and fur and make him uncomfortable. Plus the constant smell of urine can cause respiratory issues. Feed your hamster a high-quality, nutritionally complete diet including hamster pellets, fresh vegetables and fruits, and lots of timothy hay. And take special care when handling your hamster. Don’t squeeze him and never drop him. Make sure your hamster doesn’t fall downstairs or get kicked while in a hamster ball. Protect your hamster from other pets. For more information, contact your Livonia, MI vet.

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