Main » 2017 » June » 30 » Heartworms and Your Dog
8:09 AM
Heartworms and Your Dog

Heartworms are an invasive parasite that can make your dog very sick. If untreated, heartworms can even kill your dog. Your dog can be infected with heartworms through the bite of a mosquito who has bitten another infected dog. When the mosquito bites your dog he introduces heartworm larvae into your dog’s bloodstream. Then the dogs grow and mature into adult worms that can clog your dog’s blood vessels, lungs and heart. This can cause respiratory and circulatory issues. There are treatments for a heartworm infestation but they are expensive, may require surgery and may not restore your dog’s health. Fortunately, there are heartworm prevention medications you can give your dog to keep him safe. These are available by prescription. You should give your dog this medication all year round since just a few warm days can make mosquitoes active. Contact your vet Oshawa, ON to learn more.

Views: 418 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: animal hospital Oshawa ON, vet clinic oshawa on, pet clinic oshawa on | Rating: 0.0/0
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