Main » 2016 » August » 19 » Heartworm Testing for British Longhair Cats
3:34 AM
Heartworm Testing for British Longhair Cats

Heartworm tests are typically conducted once a year to determine the presence of heartworms in cats like the British Longhair. If you’re not sure if your cat has been tested, ask your vet. Unlike dogs, there are no specific medications designed to treat heartworms. In fact, heartworm disease often goes undiagnosed in cats because cats generally carry one to two heartworms compared to a dog that can carry hundreds. In addition, cats do not carry adult heartworms and therefore do not show symptoms in the same way that dogs do. It is vitally important that your British Longhair is tested for heartworm disease on a yearly basis. In addition, your cat should be on a monthly heartworm prevention program. For cats, prevention is the best and the one of the only options for heartworms. Heartworms in cats can also cause HARD or a respiratory disease. Talk with your veterinarian Plano, TX to learn more.

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