Main » 2017 » December » 23 » Heartworm Disease in Russian Blue Cats
12:27 PM
Heartworm Disease in Russian Blue Cats

Heartworms are a very serious problem in dogs and cats. If you own a cat like the Russian Blue, talk with your vet about heartworm disease and the necessary steps to take to prevent the disease in your cat. Heartworm disease is caused by a long worm that can invade the heart, lungs and blood vessels of an animal like your cat. Infected dogs can have hundreds of heartworms, but infected cats usually have between one and three worms present in the body at a time. The worms can cause damage to the main organs and even cause respiratory distress known as HARD. Your Russian Blue should be tested annually for heartworms. Your cat should also be on a monthly preventative pill to protect him from the disease. Aggressive treatment is needed if your cat becomes infected. For more information, talk with your best veterinary clinic Plano, TX.

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