Main » 2015 » August » 21 » Head Collars For Dogs
1:34 PM
Head Collars For Dogs

The head collar is used just like halters in horses. One of its straps is fitted around the dog’s neck and sits high on his head, just behind his ears. The other strap is fitted around the dog’s collar like a loop. The collar has a ring at the bottom of the muzzle loop where a leash can be attached.

Strong, energetic pet dogs that jump or pull can best be controlled by a head collar. The dog loses a considerable amount of leverage because the halter is placed around the muzzle, instead of his neck. He will be unable to pull on his leash using the full weight of his body.

When using a head collar on your dog, make sure it fits properly. Avoid yanking the leash while he is wearing a head halter. Proper fit and correct use of the head collar and the leash can minimize the risk of injury to dogs wearing it.

Ask your Markham, ON vet clinic regarding important pet issues. You can get more information at this website Markham Vet Clinic.


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